Wednesday, August 24, 2016

FREE Politcal History Lesson For KKKonservative Fucktards!

         Ok you fucking morons! YES YOU CONSERVATIVE RIGHT WING FUCKTARDS! For every time one of you idiotic, brainless, ignorant fuckwits say the KKK was created by Democrats without at least throwing in the single word "CONSERVATIVE" Democrats to clarify and elaborate on your fucktarded misleading statement and inane point, you should have a single pubic hair burned off with an acetylene torch! No wonder Donald Trump touts his love for the uneducated. In that area you sure do him proud. I'm going to get to the point here because this blog is strictly for conservatives after all, and goodness knows when it comes to actually gaining knowledge based on truth, facts, logic, and reality they've got the focus and attention span of a fucking dog playing frisbee in a smoked meats locker. 

     Here is the link you can click it's titled "When Parties Swap Platforms: the Changing Racial Policies of Democrats and Republicans". Yes, there you go just click. I warn you this is a lengthy read with lots of detail and lots of sources to enforce accuracy and authenticity of the information. But if reading isn't your thing just watch this video of Trevor Noah basically summing up in just under 8 minutes what the thesis proves evident. 

If that's not comprehensive or simple enough, I'll break it down in a single sentence; KKKonservatives were racists as Democrats and are still racists as Republicans! 

       So there you have it. Now conservatives you have no excuse except that you CHOOSE to be ignorant dumb asses rejecting the facts and truth. Want my advice? Quit being that alcohoic who never admit they have a drinking problem. You don't like being called a racist? Well stop partaking, supporting, and purporting racist shit! First you'll have to admit your bigotry then you can do the work of unlearning years of lies, hate, ignorance and bullshit. Like anything else you dedicate yourself to it can be done. But the first step of solving any problem is first admitting there's IS as problem. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014


      To my friends from social networks you probably know it's been quite a while since I've put up a new blog post. To anyone who've never heard of or don't know me, welcome! Look, I can be passionate, angry, loving, understanding, rational, erratic, unreasonable, judicious, sapient, troubled, and exultant just to name a few things. How can one be all of these? It's called being a HUMAN BEING! At the end of the day what kind are you going to be? I ask that to make this point, we all need to look that person in the mirror and ask an honest question "are you contributing to the solution or the problem?" You can lie to others, that's very easy. But you CAN'T lie to yourself. If you can you've got some serious mental disorders that I can't go on to discussing here. But, answer that question and be totally honest.

Now what happened to those two police officers on Saturday (12/20/2014) was horrendous, abhorrent, and despicable. Ismaaiyl Brinsley committed a vile act of depravity and cowardice, that was not only abominable but counterproductive. To anyone who'd praise his actions; you're a serious sick fucking loon and need to seek therapy. What this guy did could not only derail and set back the movement for police accountability and much needed reforms, but it could very well create if not intensify the already created sentiment of "them vs. us". Is that what anybody really want? I know I sure as hell DON'T! Does anyone really want America turned into one big fucking cage match and whoever isn't dead at the end is the winner? I don't know about anyone else, but to me in that scenario there are no winners, only degrees of losers. Which poses another another valid question, is that what anyone wants, for America to become a nation of made up of only degrees of losers where NO ONE wins? As a person who lost my father at a very young age (not to violence, thank {deity of choice}) You have to realize realize that Wenjian Liu and Raphael Ramos were not just the goddamn uniform they wore to work. They were human beings and family men who had loved ones and lives like us all. One a newly wed and one with a wife and 13 years old son. So whether you approve of violence against police officers simply trying to do their jobs or against unarmed Black youth who could've easily been brought in for what amount to class D misdemeanors or less, JUST FUCKING STOP IT! PLEASE?!? Enough is Enough of this shit already! 

Here are my suggestions that I feel could go a long way in helping a lot. Now if you think people are going to quit doing stupid shit they shouldn't; seek therapy which afterward you can join us in reality. Now for people who do stupid shit they shouldn't and break the law know that there's a chance you'll get caught and when you do TAKE YOUR FUCKING LICK! Most of the times it's not serious enough to lose your fucking life over! Now let's not get it twisted for a second because there are people who get fucked with by cops who've done absolutely NOTHING WRONG where the cop had no probable cause whatsoever to bother them about anything. If you can video or record such an encounter I vehemently encourage you to do so. Don't play the crooked cops game and start fighting, resisting, etc... because for these cops there's a developing industry of lawyers who'd compete to take your case. After taxpayers realize how expensive these kinds of cops can be I'm sure they'll start demanding competence and professionalism in law enforcement. There's nothing like being much lighter in the pocket to make you get your shit together. Don't think so? Take this simple test, which these you think are more painful? Getting punched in the face, or going to the bank to find 90% of your money is missing? Given a choice between the two I think I'd recover much quicker from getting decked in the face. "Bullshit walk, and money talk" isn't just a saying it's a reality!  

Now for law enforcement; That "Code Of Silence" shit has GOT TO STOP! If you truly want this shit to improve and get better, replace that "code of silence" (b.k.a. we cover each other's dirt) and replace it with a "code of honor", "code of respect", "code of responsibility", "code of duty", any of these I'm sure will be fine with the citizens you take an oath to protect and serve. As a police officer you're the most tangible mediator between the public and the state. You've been bestowed the power to take freedom and LIFE! The abuse of these powers can reap astringent consequences. A cop should be no different than I am on my job. As an I.T. professional sometimes I have to work with others as a team. I don't want to work with someone who thinks a byte is an act you commit with your teeth. I would let it be known to my superiors that this is a person who is not qualified for the duty they've been assigned and recommend they be removed or reassigned to something within the bounds of their ability. As their fuckups can have a domino affect which eventually become bad for business and a threat to my own livelihood. "Good cops" should be no different with "bad cops". If my company lose valuable clients because I witnessed and had full knowledge of incompetence and failed to address it, they'll hold me just as liable as the offending party. This shouldn't be any different with police. I'm going to be frank here the public stigma of cops are you're a bunch of misfits who're losers and failures at life that couldn't make friends, get laid, or a date and got beat up in school, and made shitty grades. So he best outlet for that pinned up self loathing and aggression? BECOME A COP! Yeah, you'll show the world! Now you're a strong arm enforcer at large, unleashed on the public. Even better, all on the taxpayers dime. HOLY SHIT! Screw you welfare whores, I've really got it good!

Not very good to be stigmatized like this is it? Well, go back to being "PEACE OFFICERS" instead of dumb animals being used like pawns for domestic policy, amounting to nothing more than guard dogs for plutocrats. Does that sting a little? Well so does a fucking bullet for playing with a toy gun in the park. Now let's just be frank, Charles and David Koch, or Warren Buffet (see I can be non-partisan) could go up to a cop and kick his dog, squeeze his wife's Charmin, and smack his kids and wouldn't have to worry about being taken away in cuffs any more than a Walmart employee have to worry about getting paid a decent living wage, both know that shit just ain't happening. So get rid of your rotten apples and bad eggs and start "protecting and serving" honorably! "Get the fuck off on the sidewalk" is NOT protecting and serving. Whether a police officer, I.T. professional, professional athlete, or any other occupation. A chain is only strong as it's weakest link. On that note, cops you've gotta know this... Your union reps are part of the problem and a very weak link. These fucking dufuses, virtual ventriloquies dummies, paid mouthpieces, and requite whores make "union bosses" look really really bad. Anytime a union boss is supported by the right-wing (ok, now I'm being partisan, BUT THRUTHFUL!) this shit should send up red flags, set off firework, sirens, and anything else alarming. At the end of the day, "We The People" know your jobs are dangerous as much as they are important. Those of you that protect and serve and do so honorably with pride and professionalism you have our utmost appreciation, support, and thanks. Those of you who do any less should really find other career paths. At the end of the day we're all a part of this society that makes up America, and ALL LIVES MATTER! 


Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Pro-Choice Solution To Eradicating Abortion... Pro-Lifers The Ball Is In Your Court! Will You Play?

If you're anything like me, you are sick of these right-wing whiny ass pro-life douchebags bitching and moaning about abortion. Ain't it kind of funny all the "Pro-Lifers" are so "Pro-Death Penalty" and "Pro-War". How's that even possible, beside simply being cynically hypocritical assholes?

Well righties I've got a solution to your problem. Since you insist that these babies be born no matter what the circumstances! Incest, rape, deformity, disease, destitution, it doesn't matter you want these babies born no matter what! Well it's really simple, and I think over 99% of the women who'd get an abortion would comply with these terms. So here you go, I'll step you through the process....

1.) Attain an attorney. Now you may want to look for one that's just as fucked up in the head as you are on the whole "Pro-Life" issue. You may get pro bono service or a huge discount off their regular rate. Just a suggestion.

2.) Attain a notary public. In my experience most attorneys can double as a notary public. But just in case not, you'll need this for the latter steps. Again repeat what's in step one, if you get a notary who have narrow and obtuse views that align with your own you may save yourself some dough. 

3.) Ask said attorney to prepare documents "Assumption Of Liability And Responsibility"

4.) Go to any clinic providing abortion services and do either         
      the following......
      a. Meet any woman face to face choosing to have an 
          abortion procedure and present her with the documents
          "Assumption Of Liability And Responsibility". Have said 
          lawyer and notary present, they can serve as witnesses.
          You will ask her to cancel the procedure and proceed
          with the birth in lieu of you legally assuming all liability
          and responsibilities in the rearing and care of the child 
          child to be born. The documents insure that you will 
          emotionally nurture as well as financially support the
          child. That you assume every liability and responsibility
          of parenting the child.


        b. You can advertise your willingness to do this. Go to 
            said clinics and put out a stack of cards or brochures
            with all of your necessary contact information, and 
            should state your desire to take on said responsibilities
            of their child should they cancel their procedure. 
            You can also advertise this via, TV, newspaper, 
            billboards, and the internet.

Basically you're willing to adopt these children. You do this and I'm sure this will render abortion practically useless. So who's willing to shut their big fat yaps and and STEP UP? Either PUT UP or SHUT THE FUCK UP! Whichever of these you decide to do we still get a problem solved. So there you have it... YOU'RE WELCOME! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ode To "THE" Asshole: Andrew Breitbart (February 1, 1969 - March 1, 2012)

If a picture is worth a thousand words then this one have to be worth millions.

Let's just face facts here. Andrew Breitbart was not a good person. I don't care how much all these right-wing fucktards mourn and honor him by hating everything decent, joyful, ethical, honest, righteous, moral, educational, noble, principled, in a single word... LIBERAL!

You see, Breitbart was the quintessential right-wing pitbull. If there was a politician, person, group, or organization dedicated to giving anyone poor, disenfranchised, downtrodden, or seen as "different" a voice and right to democracy he was there to ridicule, demonize, and mock them with furious fervor. He cared not what it took to get it done, whether it was to lie, fabricate, beg, borrow, and steal. Breitbart didn't give a shit. He was not going to see social justice and equality succeed. He also made sure to do everything BIG! Whether it was BIG Government, BIG Hollywood, or BIG Journalism, he proved with each story published by his equally inept cast of contributing caricatures that if this planet was going to be full of assholes, he wasn't just settling for being "an" asshole he was going to be "THE" asshole. This he achieved with BIG success because he most definitely was "THE" BIG ASSHOLE! True to that form you could count on anything coming from Breitbart to be foul, stinky, dirty, and just plain full of shit.

Now if you righties want to know what true compassion and benevolence really is this would be it...

"My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart's family as they cope during this very difficult time. I do not intend to make any further comments." - Shirley Sherrod

Now please take into consideration that this woman did not ask for the shit storm she was thrown in the middle of by Breitbart on his sinister quest to bring down anything "President Obama". This woman like any of us who was doing her job day in and out minding her business, world was thrown off it's axis because a bigoted, partisan, intolerant, hate mongering, hack of a douchebag hates a Black progressive President so much that he didn't care who got caught in the crossfire. If he had nothing... No problem! True to right-wing conservative values, he was going to JUST MAKE SHIT UP! No wonder you saw him on FOX News so much. 

You Know there was this old Black gospel hymn that I til this day I still hear at funerals. Mostly of Black elderly people. The song is called "Let The Life I've Lived Speak For Me". Let's just take a look at the sentiment that the life and legacy of one Andrew Breitbart wrought....

Now you may think that's a bit harsh. But Let's take a look at Mr. Breitbart's own posting about the death of the late Ted Kennedy whose life actually amounted to something and a man who championed for fairness dedicated his status, position, and life to a true greater good....

There it is in his own words. All you righties should let this be a lesson to you. All that pinned up bigotry, hate, resentment, malice, and anger can kill. Even now as you read this you have a bunch of fucking idiots who were blind Breitbart sheep coming up with the conspiracy that the President killed Breitbart. Now normally I wouldn't even mention it, but I thought that anyone who took the time to read this blog post deserved that good laugh. So you see, Breitbart though foreboding, sinister, and baleful he wasn't a dummy like his patrons. Breitbart was a pornographer of the press, and he knew that his cretinous followers had an insatiable appetite for his smut journalism. Neither Breitbart or his loyalists let the truth and facts get in the way of his literary bile. 

Breitbart along with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Matt Drudge, Joseph Farah, G. Gordon Liddy, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol, Judson Phillips, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and James O'Keefe (to just make a short list) have kept the mill of bullshit, lies, hate, bigotry, and partisanship churning out vitriol long enough. Hopefully they take a lesson from Breitbart's demise and realize all that pinned up bullshit and hate isn't worth your mortality. 

Lastly I commend some progressives that I saw on TV and read articles from such as Goldie Taylor, Toure, Lawrence O'Donnell, Arianna Huffington, and Tamron Hall who said really good things about Andrew Breitbart and didn't slam him for the evil, slimy, fucking snake in the grass he was. As I said I commend them, but as for myself I feel that if all you've done is dedicate your life's work to deceit, lies, hate, divisive rhetoric, and total bullshit while you were alive, you're still that same person only a dead conniving, slimy, weasel, low life, bottomfeeding, scumbag, snake in the grass. Sorry, but in my book you don't get to LIVE that WRONG and then get to DIE so RIGHT. So don't get it twisted. Condemning his wretched and vile life isn't the same as celebrating his untimely death.          

       This is what so many on the right heralded a "warrior and hero"? The bar is set mighty low on the right.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sane Minded America To Republicans: Fuck You! Seriously! G O F U C K Y O U R S E L V E S ! ! !

Though it’s been said many times and many ways…. Fuck you republicans, just fuck you! We not only as Americans but as human beings have had it over our heads with your bullshit, and really are MAD AS HELL, AND WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE! I swear that 11/06/2012 cannot come soon enough. We are sick of your hypocrisy, we are sick of your racism, we are sick of your bigotry, we are sick of your hyperbole, we are sick of your greed, WE ARE SICK OF YOU!!! You want to demonize and kill the Occupy Movement not because you don’t understand it. In fact it’s the exact opposite. You full well understand it. As far as your far-right knuckledragging troglodyte teabaggers go, they don’t understand. But what else is new? Those lame-brained fatuous fucktards couldn’t find their own assholes with a funnel and map. They can’t even understand why they should be joining the Occupy Movement instead of ridiculing it. But as for you elected GOP scum and your owners who are the corporate elitists and Wall Street barons. They understand and know.

What in the Hell did you think was going to happen? Do you really think you can just push, and push, and push, before you get pushed back? Since your God Ronald Reagan defiled the oval office, you’ve grabbed the American working/middle class and poor by the crotch and have locked on like a rabid pit bull ever since. Even the late Ted Kennedy asked you on the senate floor “How much more do you need?” “How many more billions do your corporate masters and Wall Street bosses need?” “What is it about working men and woman that to offend you so much?” Now years of failed bullshit right-wing economic and social policy have simply come to a head, and we have simply HAD ENOUGH!!! 30 years of your reverse Robin Hood stealing from the poor to give to the rich is ENOUGH!!! You really think you can take the 9% of mindfucked minions who think you’re doing a good job and go to the 2012 elections with it? Good luck with that!

You vilify brown people, gays, unions and their members, and non-Christians. You cut services that ONLY benefit the poorest among us while at the same time subsidizing the wealthiest industries, and give tax cuts and rebates by the billions to the wealthiest among us. Anyone who sanely take a stand against your bullshit wars is deemed a terrorist, communist, Marxist, socialist, or whatever other ‘ist you fucking morons can come up with. Fuck you and your wars, your war on terror which invaded a country based on LIES about non-existent weapons, your bullshit war on drugs that have done NOTHING but give you free reign to fill privatized prisons owned by your billionaire corporate cronies. Most of all, fuck your wars on women, the middle/working class, the poor, education, and quality affordable health care. It’s just all out war on anything that threatens your gravy train that may net a single red cent less from your campaign benefactors.

If you want to talk about “running on your record”, then every single GOP/Teabagger congressional and senate member shouldn’t even fathom running for re-election. Let’s just go over that record. Since the 112th congress been in office they’ve tried to make it easier to get away with rape, defund NPR, defund Planned Parenthood, ban Shariah law (that doesn’t exist), defund PBS, made sure we can still use inefficient light bulbs, made English the official language, tried to repeal the affordable health care act, which was as big of a waste of time and money as their latest fiasco reaffirming “In God We Trust” motto. Would you like to know what all these motions brought to vote have in common? THEY DIDN’T CREATE ONE SINGLE JOB!! They didn’t even ATTEMPT to create a single job. In fact some of them would’ve killed even more jobs. They ran on “Where Are The Jobs?” Well, they’re still where republicans have made sure they’ve stayed, OVERSEAS!  Republicans have obstructed and abused the filibuster to epic proportion. So when you hear that bullshit about “Democrats held the house and senate for 2 years” that the right-wing loves to peddle, just think about the cloture and filibuster abuse.   

I really could go on but this special and last, but certainly not least “FUCK YOU” goes out to the most willfully ignorant, imbecilic, dumb fucks that are an actual living entity known to creation on Earth! And yes, this includes man, beasts, and vegetation. I’m talking about you republican voters who are NOT rich! Just face the FACT that you’re fucking idiots! How stupid do you have to be to go out and participate in a “tax day protest” when YOUR TAXES WERE NOT ROSE!! Not only were your taxes NOT rose, but you actually got MORE MONEY back on your tax returns because of the current administration’s policy. You people are like willing lab rats accepting whatever experiment the wealthy elitists’ right-wing faction is going to conduct on you. You see, you’re the other part of the faction. The willfully misinformed dolts who get their racism, bigotry, ignorance, and partisanship exploited against themselves.

Just look at what you people listen to for your sources of (mis)information. FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart, Drudge Report, World Net Daily, etc... C’mon really? It’s like you don’t care that you’re being lied to. As long as it’s what you want to hear, you don’t care. That’s not “news” that’s “ENTERTAINMENT”. Just take a look at some of the insanely stupid shit you people who identify yourselves as “republicans” believe….

  • ·        34% think the President is a Muslim
  • ·        87% think the President raised taxes
  • ·        47% think TARP was passed by President Obama
  • ·        41% think the Affordable Health Care Act have “Death Panels”
  • ·        64% think the Affordable Health Care Act cut Medicare benefits
  • ·        40% think the President is the Anti-Christ
  • ·        21% think ACORN stole the 2008 election
  • ·        31% think the President is a racist who hates White people
  • ·        45% think the President is the domestic enemy the constitution speak of
  • ·        22% think the President would like terrorist to defeat America

I’m not making this up! This is really some of the stupid shit you people believe! Look, just randomly surfing the net I came across this on Yahoo Answers! If you clicked that link you see what I’m talking about. You people are really fucked up. The two things that have NEVER lied to me in my life are my own two eyes and ears. I have had these people tell me to my face they’d rather them and their families starve and be homeless than accept anything any Obama administration policy would help them live a better quality of life. Really?!? How fucking sick, baleful, and just plain evil is that? You harbor that much bigotry and hatred for someone that you’d actually watch your own children starve to death and do it without a roof over their heads. As I said before there isn’t any beasts in the animal kingdom that depraved, perverse, and reprobative. Then again what would you expect from people who’d actually support a politician who liken children who eat free lunch at school to over bred animals, and fat bald, impotent drugged up radio blowhard who mock and make fun of hungry impoverished children. Let alone mock a defenseless victim of Parkinson’s disease. Not to mention the way you’ve made already weak an inept field of pathetic 2012 Presidential candidates look by cheering Rick Perry’s record of death, wanting the uninsured to die, jeering a gay soldier, and applauding illegal torture.   

I could really go on because there is no end to the hate, greed, selfishness, willful ignorance, bigotry, idiocy, wanton stupidity, depravity, and sheer evil of the right-wing. But I with the rest of America send the Republican Party the one finger salute and mean it with all our hearts and minds when we say FUCK YOU! Fuck you very, very, much!  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reince Priebus Is A Piece Of Shit!

I really tried not to write this blog, but when I saw Reince Priebus totally childish, ignorant and stupid tweet I had to just let the world know what a useless good for nothing douchebag I think he is. This guy is nothing short of intellectually bankrupt. If you look at how the two party chairs conduct their business, the difference is worlds apart. 

On one hand you have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who exempts the epitome of professionalism and sticks to the facts and truths of the issues. Then you have Reince Priebus who's like a buffoonish school yard pest who's just a nuisance. You know the kid who throws a rock or sneaks behind you, hits you in the back and takes off running and hides behind his friends. Well he's the political equivalent. Here's just a few things this douchebag should know about his party's polices and ethics which have drove this country in a ditch that the President is trying against united republican opposition and obstruction to get it out of.... 

Started an unnecessary war of choosing costing trillions of dollars and and thousands of lives.

Trickle down voodoo economics which have caused income inequality in America only seen in third world countries.

Deregulation leading to the biggest financial coup d'etat on the American people in history

Not to mention the shameful display of the worst humanity has to offer that has come in the form of applauding one of your candidates morally bankrupt cavalcade of death, letting the uninsured die, Jeering a gay soldier who protects your rights to be the outlandishly ignorant fucktards you are, and disregarding the outright criminal practices on Wall Street that sunk many businesses and put millions out of work, yet your party feels IT'S THEIR FAULT they don't have jobs. Oh, and let's not forget "corporations are people too"

Reince Priebus you are a pathetically laughable joke just like your party. You shameless get on TV and make up baseless arguments devoid of all fact, truth, and logic. Being a hypocritical liar and low life scumbag must've been required attributes (detriments to anyone with a soul and sense of decency) for being appointed RNC chairman. Come 2012 #WeCantWait to bury you and your party of corporate whores, shills, bigots, and miserly slimeballs in the political graveyard you keep digging deeper and deeper for yourselves.